This is a picture of a stunning sunset taken from our 'dick' (I'm not being rude, I'll explain later!!!!) at about 2100 a couple of nights ago. A truly serene summers evening but only a couple of hours before we were wondering whether to go and hide under the desk at work or cower in the nearest doorway as we experienced another earthquake..........5.8 on the richter scale!!!!!! When the building starts shaking (not an uncommon occurence as there are over 15000 earthquakes a year in little ole New Zealand!!!) there is a wide eyed starey scarey look of anticccipatttion as everyone wonders if this maybe the 'Big One'!!!! There is a 90% risk of a quake bigger than 8 on the Richter Scale in the next 25 years in Wellington!!!! Do we have our disaster kit at the ready????? Not unless you can survive on a dried up, out of date, tube of tomato paste and a half-empty (definitely would not be half-full in this case) bottle of soy sauce!!!!! The need to start collecting 50 litre bottles of water does occasionally keep me awake at night but my pessimistic view is that all the houses here are built on the sides of a hill, the water would get buried under your house as it slides down the hill!!!! Living in paradise has a price!!!!http://www.wellington.govt.nz/services/emergencymgmt/index.html/
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