We dragged ourselves out of bed this morning slightly worse for wear after too much sun, Sauvignon Blanc, and a late night following the Cuba St Carnival to discover one of these drowning in the dregs of a Stella Artois bottle left on our dining room table!!!! It is a Wellington Tree Weta. Its body was approx 3 inches and its feeler things about another 3 inches!!!! When we finally stopped freaking out and managed to free it from the bottle, despite having 6 legs it was so inebriated it could hardly walk!!!!! How it managed to crawl in there in the first place is a mystery we shall never solve!!!! I like to think its now up a tree in our garden nursing its hangover recounting its tales to the other more sensible tree wetas warning them that if they are going to spend the night in a beer bottle to choose one of the weaker New Zealand beers!!!!