We awoke to filthy, filthy weather. It was cloudy and raining, and it wasn't supposed to let up all day.
We were recommended by DOC to walk anticlockwise around the circuit as the Tongariro crossing part would be too dangerous in the weather. So our plan was to reach the Waihohony hut by the end of the day.

We got a lift up to the Whakapapa Visitor centre and signed in. The weather was pretty shocking even at that point.

Within the first hour of walking, the heavens opened and the wind picked up. Not the best start.

By midday we were completely soaked through, and unknown to us at the time, so was everything in mine and Derrilin's bag! Thankfully as we neared the hut after 5 hours, the clouds parted and sun began to shine. We reached the hut and unloaded all of our packs outside to dry out. Result.

The huts themselves were basic but comfortable.

I knocked up a chili. We played a couple of card games with young Austrian fella called Fabian that was also staying in the hut, then got some shut-eye, ready for day 2.