There are 2 times of the year that I get particularly homesick, Christmas, and my birthday. I have many happy memories of long hot sunny birthdays spent outside in the UK but unfortunately since emmigrating to New Zealand my birthday now falls in the middle of winter and it has rained every year so far!!!!! I woke up feeling thoroughly depressed at my advancing years and really wanted to stay under the duvet but Rob managed to coax me out of bed with the offer of a cup of tea and pressies!!!! I thought I had kept it a secret at work but Karen, my team leader surprised me with a yummy chocolate orange cake!!!!! I work in the Recovery Unit at Southern Cross Hospital, Wellington.
Cheryl checks if Joanie is still functioning!!!!

My Recovery team colleagues!!!!

A very quiet day in Recovery, gives us more time to take piccies and eat cake!!!!

Yummy Chocolate Orange Cake!!!!

Later that evening Rob took me to Logan Brown's, an award winning restaurant in Wellington
http://www.loganbrown.co.nz/They are the Jamie Oliver of New Zealand!!!! They even have their own TV Show!!!!

After dinner we went to see the new 'Arry Potter'