We did the 48 Hour Film Competition again this year. The genre we got given was horror and it turned into a bit of a Last Man on earth, 28 days later, The Others kind of cross over thing!!!!! I was the catering manager and supplied sushi for the cast and crew......they can be so hard to please these arty types!!!!
Mike and Greg. Mike was just so impressed that his Action Man suit still fit!!!!

Rob 'directing'', well actually just being stroppy!!!!

Nick tapes up the house while the dead watch on!!!!!
We finally find a use for the Baked beans in BBQ sauce we bought by mistake many months ago!

Bonnie and her 8th can of V!!!!
Quinn gets made up!!!!!
Bonnie trying to look scary, a bit of editing and effects was needed to achieve that one!!!!

Making sushi for the Cast and Crew!!!!

Editing with only 4 hours til deadline!!!!
Yeah we got it in with only 16 minutes to go!!!!