The 'Southern Cross' Doctors and Nurses, who was looking after the patients????

Anyone who knows Rob in any capacity will be quite aware that high up on his list of 'things to do before I die' would be to make a film. He made this dream a reality this weekend by entering the New Zealand '48 Hour Film Competition' http://www.48hours.co.nz/2008/!!!!! He managed to persuade 11 friends to join him in the 48 hour caffeine fuelled madness!!!!! Amazingly there were no major 'creative differences' and they remain friends!!!!! Along with 599 other sleep deprived teams, he was given one of 12 possible genres at 7pm on Friday and had until 7pm on Sunday to write, film and edit a vaguely coherent 7 minute movie. He got the 'Buddy Movie' genre. There were 3 mandatory elements that had to be included somewhere in the movie, a brush, a character called 'Kerry Post' who is a perfectionist, and the line 'wait a minute'. He got 24 cans of 'V' Energy Drink which may not 'give you wings' but will ensure you get no sleep for 48 hours and give you palpatations!!!!!, and vouchers for 12 quarters of chicken from 'Nandos', unfortunately it seems that they were not prepared for 161 sleep-deprived, caffeine-fuelled hungry teams to descend upon them and had sold out of chicken by 6pm on Saturday!!!!!! This did not turn out to be the most stressful moment as 2 hours of filming was wasted when we realised the microphone was not switched on and when we could not get the all-important credits to download to the DV tape with only 30 minutes to go!!!!!! We got to watch our film on the 'Big Screen' on Wednesday night, at the Paramount Cinema, an arthouse cinema in Wellington. We were the only 'amateur' group in our heat as the other teams worked for various film companies in the ever increasing 'Wellywood' Film Industry.